Military Sanatorium
I cant say much about this Military Sanatorium, not because I am sworn to secrecy or want to keep it all for myself but because I really don't know a lot about it!
It is near the beach, it does have a lot of buildings that those who have been to other Soviet Military institutions and Sanatoriums will recognise: Accommodation blocks with murals, a theatre, a swimming pool and even a grand fronted building that overlooks the sea.
It also has a guard, dressed in military fatigues, maybe genuine, maybe not, to be honest he only seemed to be bothered that we had parked on a footpath!
It is near the beach, it does have a lot of buildings that those who have been to other Soviet Military institutions and Sanatoriums will recognise: Accommodation blocks with murals, a theatre, a swimming pool and even a grand fronted building that overlooks the sea.
It also has a guard, dressed in military fatigues, maybe genuine, maybe not, to be honest he only seemed to be bothered that we had parked on a footpath!