In January Kingrat and I spotted a church in Poland and that evening we had booked flights accomadation and a car for last weekend! Kingrat also emailed some Polish explorers just incase they were in the area and wanted to meet up..... Luckily for us they did
Saturday morning we all met up and they took us on an (awesome) adventure, we were on our way back from a day of exploring and suddenly we swerved into a small unpaved lane ... there was a hospital close by, but before we could have a look the Policja appeared!! Someone had just been caught trying to carry radiators out of the hospital, luckily the Policja quicky realised we were nothing to do with it and so we went and explored!
Saturday morning we all met up and they took us on an (awesome) adventure, we were on our way back from a day of exploring and suddenly we swerved into a small unpaved lane ... there was a hospital close by, but before we could have a look the Policja appeared!! Someone had just been caught trying to carry radiators out of the hospital, luckily the Policja quicky realised we were nothing to do with it and so we went and explored!