Derelict Air Museum
The museum area consists of several exhibition halls and an outdoor area, the museum closed in 2007 for renevations the exhibition halls remain locked up tight with a London Bus at the gates, but the outside exhibits are beginning to look worse for wear. The future of the musuem remians unknown.
The museums exhibits include:
The museums exhibits include:
- Aero 680E Commander
- Aero L-39ZO
- Antonov AN-2R
- Bristol 171 Sycamore Mk.52
- Dornier Do27A-1
- Focke Wulf P149D
- Lockheed TF-104G Starfighter
- Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21MF-75
- Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21SPS
- Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-23UB
- Mil Mi-2
- Mil Mi-8PS
- Mil Mi-8PS
- Republic P-47D Thunderbolt
- Sud Aviation Alouette II
- Sukhoi Su-22UM-3K